
Use code「DARKTERA0006」in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet to receive a Dark Tera Type Charizard - code expires August 31st

Use code「DARKTERA0006」in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet to receive a Dark Tera Type Charizard
A limited-time distribution of a Dark Tera Type Charizard was announced for Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet during the July 21st broadcast of the Pokémon Horizons (Pocket Monsters) anime in Japan. This distribution will remain available until August 31st, at 11:59pm (UTC) / September 1st, at 8:59am (JST).

This Charizard has 31 IVs in Attack and Speed, and 20 IVs in all other stats. Unusually for an event Pokémon, this Charizard also has an unlocked scale value. As such, players have a flat 1 in 255 chance of receiving a Charizard with either a Jumbo or Mini Mark.

Players can receive this gift by selecting Poké Portal from the X menu in Pokémon Scarlet or Violet, and then selecting Mystery Gift, and then Get with Code/Password. Players will then need to enter the code「DARKTERA0006」at the prompt after the game has connected to the internet. A paid Nintendo Switch Online membership is not required to receive code distributions.
Archaic Written by Archaic